AGM Feb 11, 2024
Time 2:00
Location: Harmony United Church
Contact Secretary for issued e-documents should you wish to attend.
Camp Duncan Summer Camp 2024
The Presbytery of Superior and the United Church are joining together this summer to present “Camp Duncan”! This weeklong overnight camp runs July 7-13th and is for kids entering grades 3-8 this fall.
Campers will be grouped in cabins according to age and gender. Younger campers will not necessarily be able to bunk with older siblings or friends. We encourage younger campers to bring a friend to share the week with them.
Come out for a week of fun, nature, and community! Forms for campers are available at your church. If you have any questions, please contact your Church Camp Committee members. Hope to see you this summer! Camper's cost may be covered by “Camperships” that will come from the camper's United Church. The Camp is also looking for volunteers for counsellors, kitchen staff, and lifeguards. Forms for volunteers are available at your church. If you have any questions, please contact your Church Camp Committee members.
Hope to see you this summer!
Deposit $20
Cost $350 First Camper, $300 Second Camper, $250 Third Camper
Please indicate your insterest by 15 May
Get your application from any United Church and drop them off at First Wesley United 130 Brodie St N along with you deposit and heath form and photo release. Call 807-623-7001 for more information.
Download Campers Package
Volunteer and Staff opportunities, enquire at any United Church in Thunder Bay
Thunder Bay United Church Camp Inc. Annual General Meeting
To be held Monday February 27, 2022 at Harmony United Church in Thunder Bay 7:00 pm. Cameron Hall
Spring Clean-up 2023
Looking at 2 possible weekends either June 3, or June 10
Open For Business
As per discussions from recent Board Meetings the Board of Directors has decided to reopen Camp Duncan this year.
After careful consideration we believe Camp Duncan offers a healthy outdoor environment as an event space and that it should not be locked away from use. Our Camp is close to Thunder Bay with good road access and can even be used for daytime events unlike more remote locations. We invite you to consider Camp Duncan as an event space for the upcoming Summer.
Please note that your individualized Health and Safety Plan will need additional consideration and that your event may not be able to be held exactly as in previous years. These details, efforts and costs are ultimately the responsibility of the renter.
Further information on the 2023 season will be forth coming.
Jan 2023
Next Board Meeting Feb 7 at Wesminster United 7:15pm.
Spring 2020
Work will continue on cabins from fall 2019. Siding and interior finishing and some bunk upgrades are in the plan. Fall 2020 should see cabins 1 and 2 similarly upgraded. As funding becomes available we would also like to address cabin accessibility by reworking some of the cabin decks and steps.
New volunteers are always welcome, and a big thanks to those who continue to donate their time and skills to rejuvenate the camp cabins.
Masonic Lodge Members Raise the Roof on Camp Duncan Cabins
September 30, 2017 - It was a beautiful fall day out at Camp Duncan as members of the Masons joined Camp Duncan Board Members to kick off the
roof upgrades on two of three cabins needing structural upgrades. Bill Lynch explained how many Thunder Bay Residents, Suppliers and the local Lumber Yards had been very generous in assisting the Camp to acquire the materials to do this years maintenance.
It's great to see the Thunder Bay Community working together on such an important resource for today's Youth.
Over the many years the camp has operated small trees had become quite large and were encroaching on the old roof structure. The team of volunteers remove some trees that were practically growing right into the old roof on cabin 6.

Masons in above picture left to right Bill Deadmon,
Innes Marin, and Chris Higgins just a few of today's
hard working team.
Thanks Everyone!